LightNight is the city’s free onenight arts festival, shining a spotlight on Liverpool and celebrating the world class cultural offer in..
Fantich & Young artworks addresses parallels between social evolution and evolution in the natural world Nature as model or nature as threat.
Quarry Arts for creative and performing arts inspired by quarries and the rocks and slates.
The Next Level are a multidisciplined team of inhouse consultants, lighting designers, audio visual engineers, electricians and IT technicians, who together as a team design and realise award winning smart home technology projects.
Train to become a professional dancer, to improve your skills or for the sheer love of dance at Stage Art Dance school in Ealing, West London.
a multidisciplinary installation/performance project incorporating sound art, film and animation, spoken word, live art, and performance.
Twickenham School is part of a family of local schools that includes Hampton High, Teddington and Waldegrave schools’, in Twickenham, Middlesex.
Visiting Arts’ purpose is to strengthen intercultural understanding through the arts. We provide information and intelligence to help people engage in intercultural activity, create opportunities for artists and cultural professionals to explore new conn
Tattoos are a special and unique art form. They can narrate your story, without you having to say a single word. So, let your skin be my precious canvas and I promise to etch the most amazing designs. I, Paula,…