Schools & workshops

Wal­kingwiththesnow­man | Walking with The Snowman

Visitors took a wintry walk around MediaCityUK this Christmas time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Raymond Briggs’ heartwarming picture book, The Snowman.

Philamuseum | Phila­delphia Museum of Art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is the cultural heart of a great citythe place for creative play, with a surprise around every corner.

Gla | University of Glasgow Scottish University of the Year 2022

The University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Scottish University of the Year 2022. The University of Glasgow is a major researchled university operating in an international context with the following fundamental aims to provide education through the development of learning in…

Westvaleaca­demy | Home Welcome West Vale Academy

Welcome I am incredibly proud to be the Principal at this wonderful village school which has been at the heart of the community…

Colourwhee­lartclass | ColourWheel Art Classes Creative Art Classes for Adults

ColourWheel Art Classes are fun and creative art classes especially for people who think that they can’t draw or paint.

Egs | The European Graduate School Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought

The Division of Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought of the European Graduate School provides Master and Doctoral programs.

Mu­mandwor­king | mu­mandwor­king flexible jobs & franchises for mums

mumandworking UK for flexible jobs, franchise opportunities and amazing working possibilities for mums

Con­tem­po­raryquilt | Con­tem­po­rary Quilt Home

The home of Contemporary Quilt. CQ is a specialist group of The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles.

Hod­dereduca­tion | Hodder Education Educational Resources for Students & Teachers

Hodder Education focuses on school and college markets, providing a wide range of marketfocused innovative print and digital services, tailored to both core UK and key International markets.

Countrycli­part | Cute ClipartGraphics for Commercial UseCountry Clipart by Lisa

Cute clipart and country style graphics for commercial use and crafts. Fun collections you’re sure to love! Free printables like recipe cards and more!